Individualized Prediction Model for Estimating Survival Benefit of Adjuvant TACE Following Surgical Resection for Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Net survival benefit from adjuvant transcatheter arterial chemoembolization (TACE)

Clinicians currently have no consistency to rely on when attempting to determine whether adjuvant TACE will be beneficial to their patients after curative resection of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and how much net survival benefit when received adjuvant TACE. The present calculator provide a decision aid to help make individualized estimates of the potential survival benefit of adjuvant TACE.

The present calculator was build and validated based on 2,514 patients from 12 Chinese hospital, and used to calculate the expected survival time, and 3- and 5-year survival probabilities for patients who attempt to undergo adjuvant TACE and patients who attempt not to undergo adjuvant TACE. Thus, the difference of the expected values between the two estimates is the expected net survival benefit of adjuvant TACE.

Please note that the present calculator did not specify a specific threshold at which adjuvant therapy should be recommended. We believe that the final decision should be made after thoughtful discussion between clinician and patient according actual situation.

Prediction Model for Estimating the
Survival Benefit of Adjuvant TACE

Please fill in all the fields
and click the submit.


Portal hypertension


Macrovascular invasion


Preoperative AFP level


Microvascular invasion




Resection margin


Tumor Number


Maximum tumor size

With adjuvant
Without adjuvant
Net benefit of
adjuvant TACE

Survival time




Predicted 3-year overall survival

% % %

Predicted 5-year overall survival

% % %